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  Ohio State Parks


Locations of Ohio Parks

provided by

Ohio Department of Natural Resources



Adams Lake

West Union, Ohio 45693

CONTACT: Shawnee State Park
4404 State Route 125
Portsmouth, OH 45663-9003
(740) 858-6652 Shawnee State Park

Alum Creek


Alum Creek State Park

3615 S. Old State Road
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 548-4631

1-866-644-6727 for camping

and getaway rental reservations


A W Martin


Location: 7317 Warner-Huffer Road
Circleville, OH

Contact: Deer Creek State Park
20635 Waterloo Road
Mt. Sterling, OH 43143




Barkcamp State Park
65330 Barkcamp Road
Belmont, OH 43718
(740) 484-4064

1-866-644-6727 for camping

and getaway rental reservations


Beaver Creek


Beaver Creek State Park

12021 Echo Dell Road
East Liverpool, OH 43920
(330) 385-3091

1-866-644-6727 for camping

and getaway rental reservations

Blue Rock


LOCATION: 7924 Cutler Lake Road
Blue Rock, OH 43720

CONTACT: Dillon State Park,

5265 Dillon Hills Dr,

Nashport, OH  43830


1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Buck Creek

1901 Buck Creek Lane
Springfield, OH 45502

1-866-644-6727 for cottage
and camping reservations


Buckeye Lake


P.O. Box 488
2905 Liebs Island Road
Millersport, OH 43046
(740) 467-2690


Burr Oak


5250 Beach Road
Glouster, OH 45732
Burr Oak Resort & Conference Center
Route 2, Box 159
, Glouster, OH 45732-9536


Park Office                                 (740) 767-3570

             Lodge Front Desk                        (740) 767-2112

             Lodge Front Desk Fax                   (740) 767-4878

             Lodge/Cottage Reservations          (800) 282-7275


Caesar Creek


8570 East S.R. 73
Waynesville, OH 45068-9719
(513) 897-3055

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Caesar Creek Lake
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations



Catawba Island

For all Lake Erie Island parks contact: Catawba Island
4049 E. Moores Dock Road
Port Clinton, OH 43452

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations

      Catawba Island                             419-797-4530

Kelleys Island                               419-746-2546 seasonally

Middle Bass Island                         419-285-0311 seasonally

South Bass Island                         419-285-2112 seasonally



Cleveland Lakefront


8701 Lakeshore Blvd., NE
Cleveland, OH 44108-1069
(216) 881-8141


Cowan Lake


1750 Osborn Road,
Wilmington, OH 45177
(937) 382-1096 Park Office
1-866-644-6727 for cottage
and camping reservations


Crane Creek


13531 West State Route 2
Oak Harbor, OH 43449
(419) 836-7758


Deer Creek

20635 Waterloo Road    Mt. Sterling, OH 43143

Park Office                   (740) 869-3124

Campground (seasonal)  (740) 869-3508

Golf Course                  (740) 869-3088

Lake Conditions             (740) 869-2243

Deer Creek Resort & Conference Center

PO Box 125 Mt Sterling, OH 43143-0153

Lodge Front Desk       (740) 869-2020

Lodge Front Desk Fax  (740) 869-4059




5202 U.S. 23 North
Delaware, OH 43015


Park Office             (740) 369-2761

Campground Office   (740) 363-4561

Marina                   (740) 363-6102


Rental Reservations  1-866-644-6727


5265 Dillon Hills Drive
Nashport, OH 43830-9568

Park Office (740) 453-4377
Camp Office (740) 452-1083
1-866-644-6727 for cottage
and camping reservations


East Fork


3294 Elklick Road, Bethel, OH 45106
(513) 734-4323

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Louisville District
William H. Harsha Lake


East Harbor


c/o 1169 N. Buck Road
Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440-9610

Park Office (419) 734-4424 Park Office
Camp Office (419) 734-5857
Marina (419) 734-2289
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations




25381 State Route 58
Wellington, OH 44090-9208
(440) 647-4490

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Forked Run


Location: 63300 State Route 124
Mailing: P.O. Box 127
Reedsville, OH 45772-0127
(740) 378-6206
(740) 378-6306 fax

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations




4499 Padanarum Road
P.O. Box 429
Geneva, OH 44041

(440) 466-8400 Park Office
(440) 466-7565 Marina
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Grand Lake St. Mary’s


834 Edgewater Drive
St. Marys, OH 45885

Park Office (419) 394-3611
Camp Office (419) 394-2774
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Great Seal


Location: 635 Rocky Road
Chillicothe, OH 45601

Contact: c/o Scioto Trail State Park
144 Lake Road, Chillicothe, OH 45601-9478
(740) 663-2125
1-866-644-6727 for camping reservations



6835 East Lake Road
Lisbon, OH 44432
(330) 222-1712

1-866-644-6727 for camping reservations


Harrison Lake


26246 Harrison Lake Road

Fayette, OH 43521
(419) 237-2593

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Headlands Beach


Location: 9601 Headlands Road
Mentor, OH 44060

Contact: Cleveland Lakefront State Park
8701 Lakeshore Boulevard, NE
Cleveland, OH 44108-1069
(216) 881-8141


Hocking Hills


19852 St. Rt. 664 South
Logan, Ohio 43138

Park Office (740) 385-6842
Reservations (740) 385-6841
1-866-644-6727 for cottage, camping,
and getaway rental reservations


Hueston Woods


6301 Park Office Road

College Corner, OH 45003


Park Office

(513) 523-6347

Golf Course

(513) 523-8081

Campground (seasonal)

(513) 523-1060

Lodge Front Desk

(513) 664-3500

Lodge Front Desk Fax

(513) 523-1522

Hueston Woods Resort & Conference Center
5201 Lodge Road, College Corner, OH 45003


Independence Dam

Location:  27722 State Route 424
Defiance, OH 43512-9085

Contact:  Harrison Lake State Park
26246 Harrison Lake Road

Fayette, OH 43521
(419) 237-2593


Indian Lake


12774 State Route 235 North

Lakeview, OH 43331

Park Office (937) 843-2717
Campground (937) 843-3553
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Jackson Lake


Location: 35 Tommy Been Road
P.O. Box 174

Oak Hill, OH 45656
(740) 682-6197 (seasonally)

Contact: Lake Hope State Park
27331 St. Rt. 278, McArthur, OH 45651


Jefferson Lake


Location: 501 TWSP RD 261A
Richmond, Ohio 43944-9710
(740) 765-4459

Contact: Guildford Lake State Park
6835 E. Lake Rd., Lisbon, OH 44432


John Bryan


3790 State Route 370
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
(937) 767-1274
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Kelley’s Island

For all parks contact: Catawba Island
4049 E. Moores Dock Road
Port Clinton, OH 43452

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations

Catawba Island


Kelleys Island

419-746-2546 seasonally

Middle Bass Island

419-285-0311 seasonally

South Bass Island
Oak Point

419-285-2112 seasonally


Kiser Lake


4889 N. St. Rt. 235
St. Paris, OH 43072
(937) 362-3822

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Lake Alma


Location: Lake Alma road
Wellston, OH 45692
(740) 384-4474 (seasonally)

Contact: Lake Hope State Park
27331 St. Rt 278, McArthur, OH 45651

1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Lake Hope


27331 State Route 278

McArthur, OH 45651
(740) 596-5253

1-866-644-6727 for cottage, camping,
and getaway rental reservations

Lake Logan

Location: 30443 Lake Logan Road
Logan, Ohio 43138

Contact: Hocking Hills State Park
20160 St. Rt. 664
Logan, Ohio 43138

Lake Loramie


4401 Ft. Loramie Swanders Road
Minster, Ohio 45865-9311
(937) 295-2011
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Lake Milton


16801 Mahoning Avenue
Lake Milton, Ohio 44429-9998
(330) 654-4989

Lake White


Location: 2767 State Route 551
Waverly, Ohio 45690
(740) 947-4059 seasonally
Contact: Pike Lake State Park
1847 Pike Lake Road, Bainbridge, OH 45612


Little Miami


A trail corridor: offering numerous recreational pursuits--bicycling, hiking, cross-country skiing, rollerblading, backpacking and horseback riding; also provides access to canoeing the Little Miami River; Runs through four counties of southwest Ohio: Greene, Warren, Clermont and Hamilton; Three staging areas: Loveland, Morrow and Corwin


Contact: Caesar Creek State Park
8570 East State Route 73
Waynesville, Ohio 45068-9719
(513) 897-3055

Bikeway north of Hedges Road, Contact Greene County Parks and Recreation

at 937-376-7440


Madison Lake


Madison County, North of Deer Creek State Park


c/o Deer Creek State Park
20635 Waterloo Road
Mt. Sterling, Ohio 43143-9501
(740) 869-3124


Malabar Farm


4050 Bromfield Road
Lucas, Ohio 44843
Park Office (419) 892-2784
Fax (419) 892-3988

Marblehead Lighthouse


Location: 110 Lighthouse Drive,
Marblehead, OH 43440
Contact: East Harbor State Park,
1169 North Buck Road,
Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440


Mary Jane Thurston


1-466 State Route 65
McClure, Ohio 43534
(419) 832-7662
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Maumee Bay


1400 State Park Road

Oregon, Ohio 43618-9532

Park Office                                      (419) 836-7758

Campground (seasonal)                      (419) 836-8828

Nature Center                                  (419) 836-9117

Golf Course Pro Shop                        (419) 836-9009


Middle Bass Island


Lake Erie

c/o Catawba Island (headquarters)
4049 E. Moores Dock Road
Port Clinton, OH 43452
(419) 797-4530




3116 State Route 3
Loudonville, Ohio 44842
(419) 994-5125 Park Office
(419) 994-4290 Camping Information

Mohican Resort & Conference Center
PO Box 429
, Perrysville, OH 44864-9644



Mosquito Lake


1439 State Route 305
Cortland, Ohio 44410-9303
(330) 637-2856 Park Office
(330) 638-5700 Campground Office
1-866-644-6727 for camping reservations


Mt. Gilead


Location: 4119 State Route 95
Mt. Gilead, Ohio 43338
(419) 946-1961 (seasonally)
Contact: Delaware State Park

5202 US 23 N., Delaware, OH 43015
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Muskingum River


LOCATION: 1390 Ellis Dam Road

Zanesville, OH, 43701

CONTACT: Dillon State Park

5265 Dillon Hills Dr

Nashport, OH  43830


Nelson Kennedy Ledges

Location: State Route 282
Nelson Township, OH, East of Hiram

Contact: c/o Punderson State Park
P.O. Box 338, Newbury, Ohio 44065
(440) 564-2279

Paint Creek

14265 U.S. Route 50
Bainbridge, Ohio 45612
Park Office (937) 365-1401
Camp Office (937) 981-7061
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations

Pike Lake


1847 Pike Lake Road
Bainbridge, Ohio 45612-9640
(740) 493-2212
1-866-644-6727 for cottage
and camping reservations


Portage Lakes


5031 Manchester Road
Akron, Ohio 44319

(330) 644-2220
1-866-644-6727 for camping reservations




PO Box 338, 11755 Kinsman Road
Newbury, Ohio 44065-9684

Punderson Resort Lodge
PO Box 224, Newbury, OH 44065-0224

Ohio's leading winter sports park: Sledding, snowmobiling


Park Office                            (440) 564-2279

Golf Course                           (440) 564-5465

Campground (seasonal)           (440) 564-1195

Lodge Front Desk                   (440) 564-9144

Lodge and Cottage Reservations                   (800) 282-7275



Location: 6260 Pymatuning Lake Rd
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1000
Andover, Ohio 44003-1000

Park Office   (440) 293-6030

Camp Office  (440) 293-6684

1-866-644-6727 for cottage, camping,
and getaway rental reservations


Winter Recreation

  • Ice skating
  • Ice boating
  • Ice fishing
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Snowmobiling permitted on Pennsylvania side of park

Quail Hollow


13480 Congress Lake Avenue
Hartville, Ohio 44632
(330) 877-1528


Rocky Fork


9800 North Shore Drive

Hillsboro, Ohio


Salt Fork

14755 Cadiz Road, Lore City, Ohio 43755
Salt Fork Resort & Conference Center
PO Box 7, Cambridge, OH 43725-0007

Park Office                                     (740) 439-3521

Golf Course                                     (740) 432-7185

Campground (seasonal)                      (740) 432-1508

Lodge Front Desk                              (740) 439-2751

Lodge Front Desk Fax                         (740) 432-6615


Scioto Trail


144 Lake Road
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
(740) 663-2125
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations



4404 State Route 125
Portsmouth, Ohio 45663-9003

Shawnee Resort & Conference Center
PO Box 189, Friendship, OH 45630-0189

Park Office                                      (740) 858-6652

Golf Course                                      (740) 858-6681

Campground (seasonal)                      (740) 858-4561

Resort Lodge                                    (740) 858-6621

Lodge Front Desk                         Fax (740) 858-4766


South Bass Island

For all parks contact: Catawba Island
4049 E. Moores Dock Road
Port Clinton, OH 43452
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations

                Catawba Island                              419-797-4530

Kelleys Island                                 419-746-2546 seasonally

Middle Bass Island                           419-285-0311 seasonally

South Bass Island                           419-285-2112 seasonally
                Oak Point




2895 Lake Drive
Pleasant Plain, Ohio 45162
513-734-4323 (East Fork)
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Strouds Run


Location: 11661 State Park Road
Athens, Ohio 45701

(740) 592-2302
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations

Contact: Burr Oak
1022 Burr Oak Lodge Rd.
Glouster, OH 45732




Location: 4675 N. Diamond Mill Road
Trotwood, Ohio 45426

Contact: Hueston Woods State Park
6301 Park Office Rd.
College Corner, OH 45003
(513) 523-6347


Tar Hollow


16396 Tar Hollow Road
Laurelville, Ohio 43135
(740) 887-4818
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Tinker’s Creek


Contact: c/o Punderson State Park
11755 Kinsman Road
Newbury, Ohio 44065-9684
(440) 564-2279

Location: 10303 Aurora Hudson Rd.
Streetsboro, OH 44241


Van Buren


Location: 12259 Township Rd. 218
Van Buren, OH

Correspondence and Phone Inquiries:
 Mary Jane Thurston State Park
1-466 State Route 65
McClure, OH 43534-9711
(419) 832-7662
1-866-644-6727 for camping reservations


West Branch

5708 Esworthy Road
Ravenna, Ohio 44266-9659
(330) 296-3239
1-866-644-6727 for camping reservations

Wolf Run


16170 Wolf Run Road
Caldwell, Ohio 43724-9503
(740) 732-5035
1-866-644-6727 for camping
and getaway rental reservations


Copyright 2006 @ Franklin, Ohio